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Claire Anstey Claire Anstey

One Infinite Intelligence

There is One Infinite Intelligence, One Mind

One Universal Consciousness permeating all existence.

This power is:

  • Omnipotence – All Power

  • Omniscience – All Knowledge

  • Omnipresence- Everywhere at all times evenly.

You are Infinite Intelligence

The name by which this power is known is unimportant. Go with what feels right for you, some descriptions include:

The Source, Presence, The Un-Manifest, The Universe, Power Within, Life Force, Creative Mind, Infinite Intelligence, Energy, God, Awareness & Consciousness, Divine Spirit. 

I like to use Gold Dust as it reminds me that it is abundant and can create all forms.

In our human experience, we have mistakenly believed ourselves to be separate from the One Presence and it is this belief in separation that results in our inharmonious reactions and experiences of life. 

We can experience life on a more harmonious and healing level if we are open and receptive to its flow and understand that we are the One Presence in expression. We already are its wholeness; any sense of lack is just an appearance that can be altered with a shift in our own personal belief system.

We can always know exactly where we are on our spiritual journey by looking at our reality, this is the Law of Correspondence. Everything in our outer world is a reflection of our inner world. If we have joy, peace and abundance, then we are balanced, spiritually and materially. If we are not, everywhere we have lack shows us where we are out of balance within ourselves. When we are willing to do the inner work our outer reality will reflect the results back to us. It is important that we also understand that we all have our own personal rhymn, being you is all you ever have to aim for. Inner contentment, bliss and abundance is personal and cannot be measured by material things or socially expected titles. I teach fabulousness as it is what makes me feel like me,  I love glamour, dressing up and being over the top feminine, for you it may be very different and that is ok. In fact it is more than ok, I would love it even more if you used the tools that work for me to reveal a inner you that was like the chalk to my cheese.  This work is about you honouring yourself, you have spent too long trying to be what you felt others expected you to be, today decide to allow your inner you to shine. I for one can’t wait to meet you and I know that the true you is very excited to be meeting you soon too.

Our belief system can affect our experiences, but by changing our conscious and subconscious beliefs we can change our experiences.

What we give out, we get back. We are like magnets.

The ultimate goal for all of us on a spiritual path is the realisation of our true spiritual identity, which is wholeness

Wholeness, Contentment, Love, Bliss & Happiness

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Claire Anstey Claire Anstey


An affirmation is a positive statement designed to counteract a negative belief that you possess. 

Did you know that you can use your thoughts, feelings and the words you speak to change negative beliefs and behaviour patterns within your life and create a more positive outlook and reality? 

If you change your thoughts, you can change your life - It is that simple.

The mind is a powerful thing but changing your mind by using affirmations is quite simple. This is how it all works. You see, the subconscious mind does not discriminate. This part of your heart and soul accepts whatever the conscious mind sends it via your thoughts and feelings.

This means that we can train ourselves to use our conscious mind to change a core belief  - a core belief is a belief that is deep routed into your subconscious; you may not even know that you have it until you try and achieve something and do not get the results you desire. By changing your core belief, you can change the negative results into positive ones.
The subconscious mind will simply accept any new strong intention that you send it and over time believes it as your new truth.  We can do this by deliberately thinking, speaking and feeling the belief or reality we are trying to achieve. When we repeat our desired outcome over and over we call it an affirmation. In time the new belief will become real and the old one will dissolve.
Knowing that you’re amazing, feeling beautiful or having confidence may not be something that you have at the moment but the good news is that by simply repeating and affirming statements that affirm your chosen outcome we can attract the results you desire and deserve

I like to say our affirmations and quotes over and over again throughout the day. Life can be fast and it's not always possible to stay focused and remember to affirm your truth. This is why I started placing affirmations and quotes on my clothes, it helped remind me constantly.
I have created affirmations for all areas of my life, and I also use quotes that have inspired me too. I find that quotes often enable me to think about myself and give more insight and an inspirational understanding of a topic. 

It is important for me to make sure that you really know inside that you are your best teacher. You will know in your gut what affirmations or teachings resonate with you, trust yourself. And may the information you receive from me and the world around you guide you into the fabulous life that you deserve.

I create my own audio affirmations and listen to them in my car, I also have artwork around my home. These are now all available for you to use too.

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Claire Anstey Claire Anstey

The Gold Dust Secrets

“There is gold dust in the air- for me, for you and for all of mankind. Through definite, deliberate prosperous thinking, we can now begin assimilating that gold dust. And even now we are beginning to experience gold dust results.”

As soon as I grabbed this success secret my life began to change.

Spiritual laws have enabled me to understand why and where I had limited myself and with that I set myself free. The spiritual laws also enabled me to understand that I am made of this gold dust. I am pure potential and this pure potential surrounds me and works through me. Together we make up the whole of the universe and beyond. It is only this gold dust that exists but it takes various forms. I am gold dust, you are gold dust, so is your digital device and your wooden chair. If I focus my thoughts, emotions and beliefs I can direct this gold dust to manifest anything into my reality. 

Following the laws of this gold dust enabled me to put my life in order. If you are currently experiencing limitation you need to start following the laws in your thinking, emotions, health, financial, affairs, love - in fact in all of your life. 

I would like to introduce you to the dynamic laws of this gold dust and the tools that will enable you to implement them. When understood and used together they will enable you to manifest abundance into your reality. Together this is what I call the Anstey Laws of Fabulousness, in my blog posts I will be breaking them down, I will be doing my best to explain them so that we can all be making sure we practice them in our daily living.

Fabulous thinking means many things to many people basically it gives you the power to make your dreams come true whether your dreams are better health finances, a happier personal life, education, a deeper spiritual connection or travel .The list is limitless as anything can happen or be desired. 

When I look at myself now I can see the look of success, self-confidence and inner happiness. When I am in tune and embracing the laws I am magnetic from the inside out.

But we can falter, remember we are all learning. As I reach new heights in my personal and professional life I am experiencing new challenges. In recent weeks I forgot the laws, I ignored my daily practice. Fear, doubt and disappointment entered my thoughts and emotions so I then experienced these results in my immediate reality.

But the good thing is I know that by simply following the laws once more and by focusing my thoughts and emotions with daily practice everything will get back to a fabulous path. This is the one thing I love so much about this work and the laws, as much as life can change in a instance negatively we can use the laws to understand why and get back on the fabulous path even quicker than we slipped off.

“There is gold dust in the air - the universe is created of radiant substance to which we have unlisted access. We form our world from this rich substance through our thoughts, emotions, words and actions.”

So may we experience our life knowing that there is gold dust in the air and that we have the power to create a fabulous reality with our own deliberate daily thinking.

You are pure potential everything and anything is possible. Let us understand this process of manifestation, let us start living by these laws, and may we reveal to ourselves what we need to release and affirm to create a clear route for that pure potential to work through us and form into our desires. Lets all live a fabulous life.

The future is created by the thoughts you think today, which are driven by your core beliefs about yourself. If you want the future to be better than today, you must think thoughts that make you feel better than you've thought before. For most people, this means you have to stop feeding your negative core beliefs and start feeding your future with positive intent.

“Today we know much about molecules and atoms and subatomic particles. But what is not commonly known is that the focus of research is now being centred, not on the minute particles of the material, but on what is called “reality of the nonmaterial” The space between them is now considered more important than the particles themselves. In this space is to be found a field of force that holds the particles in their orbits. It is even being conjectured that the particle is not just acted upon by the force, but it is the force acting as a particle.” Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth (pg. 15)

It is this invisible force, this intelligent space that I call the gold dust. This gold dust not only created us but it works through us creating the forms within our life and our experience. The concept of gold dust can implode your mind at first, but once you get it you can truly understand the creative process.

This power, this gold dust is often referred to as Infinite Intelligence. This Infinite Intelligence is whole, perfect and complete. It is a force that can create any experience and any form in the human world in which we live.

We are made from this Infinite Intelligence so as we are already “it” we too are whole, perfect and complete. We have the power within us to create and experience anything in our reality. The fact is - for us to even think it, it has to already exist, all we need to do is to make sure that our personal consciousness and vibration matches the desire to attract it into our reality.  And this is the key, all the work, all the effort comes from within us, we do not need to chase or step outside ourselves to get what we want. We do not need to act from a place of fear or lack. If we require something in our reality we have to make sure that our own personal consciousness matches the vibration of what we desire, whilst asking for the gold dust to bring it into our experience appropriately. 

When we truly understand that this Infinite Intelligence is all there is, we cannot help but understand that we exist within this gold dust. When we know the truth of Infinite Intelligence we know the truth of ourselves. When we ask for something it implies that there is a power separate from us that we must appeal to before we can receive a desired outcome. When we know that we have the power we CLAIM what we want and use our own power as a guiding force that reveals it to us. Reveal is the important word, remember everything we ever want already exists we just need to consciously use our power to draw the gold dust into form and attract it to our life experience.

This force, this infinite intelligence is unlimited, it is only our consciousness that can be limited. Limitation is only an appearance; it is not the truth of our spiritual nature. All negative appearances can be dissolved and removed from our day-to-day experience with various tools and techniques which we will be looking at constantly within my work.

“You belong to the universe in which you live, you are one with the Creative Genius back of this vast array of ceaseless motion, this original flow of life. You are as much a part of it as the sun, the earth and the air. There is something in you telling you this – like a voice echoing from some mountain top of inward vision, like a light whose origin no man has seen, like an impulse welling up from an invisible source. Your soul belongs to the universe. Your mind is an outlet through which the Creative Intelligence of the universe seeks fulfilment. This is your starting point for investigating the meaning of those impulses, longings, and desires which accompany you through life. You may accept that the source through which they come is real. You may accept that the universe is filled with a Divine and Infinite Presence, perhaps the infinite of yourself. Not the infinite of your limited self, but the infinite of the Divine Self you must be. There must be a pattern of yourself in this invisible. The greatest minds of all the ages have accepted that such a pattern exists. Socrates called it his spirit, Jesus his Father in Heaven. Some ancient mystics called it Atman. Why don’t you call it just you, your complete self? For surely this is what they have all meant. Just try to catch the larger vision and realise that there have been and are people many of them, who have wooed and wed some invisible presence until Its atmosphere and essence have become woven into the fabric of their own existence. Every man is a doorway, as Emerson said, through which the Infinite passes into the Finite, though which God becomes man, through which the Universal becomes the Individual.” 

Ernest Holmes - The Thing Called You (pp.3-4)

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